The Care Paradox is a collective of in-home care agencies, healthcare providers, nonprofits, and people passionate about helping others get the care that they need. Launched in 2022, the Care Paradox speaks to the stark reality that thousands of NH residents are in desperate need of care in their homes, juxtaposed with the reality of an extreme shortage of caregivers.
Through advocacy, we aim to change New Hampshire’s caregiver system, before it is too late.
Fall 2022
We approach partners for this project and begin collecting stories from caregivers and care recipients from around New Hampshire.
December 2022
We seek funding for this project to ensure its success. Partners meet with Governor Sununu to discuss the system of care crisis.
January 2023
Partners testify in the New Hampshire state house in support of Choices for Independence.
February 2023
Governor Sununu presents his budget on February 14. The Care Paradox website launches!
Ascentria In-Home Care is dedicated to an individual plan that enriches the lives of the people we serve. Our goal is to help people maintain greater independence and safety while continuing to live in their homes.
In Home Care has been servicing clients with non-medical personal care and daily activities throughout NH since 2003. In-Home Care is a licensed Home Health Care agency that offers comprehensive, non-medical personal care services to elderly or chronically ill individuals in their homes.
Waypoint is a licensed Home Health Care agency. Our Home Care program provides homemaking, personal care, nursing, transportation, and connections to community support services for seniors and adults with disabilities. Our goal is to enrich the lives of our clients and their families and to help them live at home, or die at home if that is their choice.
Trained and dedicated staff assist with tasks of daily living including maintaining a home (laundry, cleaning, bill paying), personal care (bathing, dressing), preparing nutritious meals, grocery shopping and transportation for essential errands.
The Care Paradox project was funded by a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. We are the place where generosity meets the dedication and ingenuity of nonprofits and the potential of New Hampshire students. For six decades, thousands of people have entrusted their charitable resources to the Foundation, creating a perpetual source of philanthropic capital and making it possible for the Foundation to award more than $60 million in grants and scholarships every year.
The New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging advocacy branch is creating communities in New Hampshire that advance culture, policies and services which support older adults and their families, providing a wide range of choices that advance health, independence and dignity.
Our goal is to raise our collective voice in support of the aging population in New Hampshire, promoting a strong, stable infrastructure for advocating for older adults in our state.
The Granite State Home Health Association supports providers who are committed to delivering high quality health services to individuals and families primarily in their places of residence — to promote, maintain or restore health and well being and minimize the effects of illness and/or disability from birth through end of life.
Amy Moore started at Ascentria In-Home Care as a Regional Care Coordinator in 2008.
It was in this role that I had the great privilege of meeting people all over the state—people of all ages who found themselves needing care—and the amazing people that cared for them. She witnessed the vital role that home care plays for thousands of people in New Hampshire—people growing older and needing support, people living with a disability – people that had their lives change in the blink of an eye.
I’ve spent the last decade working with colleagues in the field to advocate for these crucial services; testifying at hearings, writing op-eds, calling and meeting with legislators. Unfortunately, our legislature has neglected these services for so long that the system is now broken—and people are dying.
People of all ages, dying alone because they can’t get care. The Care Paradox was created because these stories need to be told…
and our state needs to listen.“
Monique Miller is the Director of Waypoint’s Home Care Program
Because of the path I’ve traveled over the past 26 years, I am proud to participate in the Care Paradox project. The vision and objectives of this initiative resonate with me deeply, both personally, and professionally.
My direct experience with critical social service shortfalls began over 26 years ago as the mother of a two-year-old diagnosed with a complex mental illness. Shortly thereafter two of my other children were diagnosed with chronic autoimmune diseases. I spent many years in an abyss of despair because of waitlists, staffing issues, countless trips to the ER and lengthy hospitalizations.
My journey out of the abyss was fueled by hope and a passion to advocate for those in need and ultimately a drive to impact social change.
As the Director of Waypoint’s Home Care Program, I have an opportunity to weave my experiences together as an administrator and
an advocate for change.
Working tirelessly to eliminate barriers by changing public policy and directly supporting Care Givers to improve the lives of the seniors and adults with disabilities we serve to create a broader community of caring.
It is my privilege to serve this project.
Maureen Cummings
Maureen Cummings is a freelance writer and peer support specialist, who happens to use a wheelchair. She lives in Dover with her cat, Mason.
The light of her life is her two lovely daughters, two great sons-in-law, and of course her 3 adorable grandchildren.
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We’re looking for partners to help us advocate for better caregiver wages and stabilize the long-term services and support systems that are currently in crisis.
Learn more about how you and your organization can get involved by contacting us.