The Care Paradox – Putting The Spotlight On A Broken Care System

Written by Aimee Mitchell

If you didn’t know, the caregiving system is so broken.  If the greatest measure of a nation – is how it treats those most in need, as a country we should be ashamed and appalled at what is happening every day across the US.  

People caring for people and the people we entrust our children to while we go to work – are amongst the lowest paid and yet they are doing some of the most critical high value work imaginable.
How can we continue to justify that the person who makes your cup of coffee when you zip through that drive through on your way to work…… is making more money than the people you entrust the care of your aging parent to?  

Millions of us already know the cold harsh truth of this as they have struggled to patch together supports for their loved ones.  And then there are those without family to care for them who sit in facilities where they do not need to be…because there is no one there to provide them the care they need to live a dignified life.

So if the hourly rate did not take you aback…the fact that our nation is facing a profound caregiver crisis should.  The workforce is simply not there and those that are have extended themselves beyond the point of breaking.

A Letter to State Senator Gannon

A Letter to State Senator Gannon

By Susan Gonya Dear Mr. Gannon, I am writing you as a concerned citizen of East Kingston, New Hampshire, regarding the egregious wages paid to employees under the Choices for Independence (CFI) care waiver. Employees caring for in-home patients under this waiver...

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